

Quick definition

Driven by spontaneity and impulsiveness.

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Impulsive people are spontaneous and easygoing. They prefer freedom and flexibility, which means they’re more likely to do things impulsively than make too many plans for the future. This can make them quick thinkers, which can be advantageous in emergency situations that require fast decision-making skills.
Impulsive people don’t spend much time sorting through the details when making decisions—they’re likely to want the easiest, quickest solution to every problem.

Related Traits

Unlike their opposite type, Careful, these people feel their desires more strongly, because of which they may be more likely to give into immediate urges or cravings.

About this trait

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Pattern Components

In love, these people feel free to lead with their hearts, and don’t hesitate in relationships to consider logistics or potential issues down the road.


Impulsive people tend to be more reactive in the work place, meaning they think on their feet and have the ability to make decisions and get things done quickly. They feel empowered to take risks, and thrive in environments where they are free to experiment and explore.


High scorers may lack long-term vision and struggle to plan for future outcomes. They make decisions quickly which, while beneficial in some environments, may be detrimental in others where sitting with complex problems and attacking them from multiple angles may be required in order to deliver the best solutions.

Healthy Adaptations

  • Open to opportunities that come their way
  • Willing to take risks

Unhealthy Adaptations

  • Lacking the ability to resist temptations and control their urges
  • Short-sightedness resulting in a lack of planning for the future