


Harmonizer (IS)

Quick definition

Trustworthy providers. Care deeply for those around them. Cooperative and helpful.

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IS types primarily exhibit [I]nfluence traits with secondary [S]teadiness traits. They tend to be trustworthy and comforting, and are generally willing to do whatever it takes to ensure those around them are content. This type enjoys putting effort into their relationships, working to understand those around them and build mutual trust. They tend to avoid conflict, and can be indecisive decision-makers out of fear of misstepping or offending others.

Primary Qualities

  • Trustworthy and cooperative.
  • Providers, who wish the best for those around them.
  • Comforting, compassionate, willing to do anything for others.

Primary Motivations

  • Being liked and trusted.
  • Understanding those around them.
  • Making decisions that benefit the most people possible.
  • Collaborating and cooperating to produce results.
  • Helping those who need it.

Primary Fears

  • Having to directly address conflict.
  • Not having close connections with those close to them.
  • Being in a restrictive environment.
  • Giving others negative feedback.
  • Controlling others.
About this trait

Distribution of user scores






Archetype Breakdown














  • Highly adaptable.
  • Make others feel comfortable around them.
  • Willing to ask for help when struggling.
  • Very sociable and well-liked.
  • Navigating away from conflict.


  • Struggle with being forceful.
  • Finding independent work difficult.
  • Avoid directly confronting issues.
  • Less effective in times of stress.
  • Unwilling to speak up for themselves.
  • Dislike thinking about negatives.

Decision Making

  • Not very decisive.
  • Make decisions cooperatively.
  • Will consult others before implementing a decision.
  • Careful of how their decision will affect those around them; always concerned with the effects of their decisions.
  • Can procrastinate decision making if they fear there may be negatives.

Unhealthy Adaptations

  • Struggle to say no to others.
  • May become withdrawn or irrational if they feel they aren’t liked.
  • Deferring to a louder, more aggressive individual.
  • Doing nothing when they fear doing something may affect someone's opinion of them.
  • Blame themselves for failed relationships.

Recommendations for ISs

  • Develop strategies to advocate for themselves, and learn to set boundaries.
  • Recognize that not every decision will only include benefits.
  • Realize that even negative feedback can initiate positive change.
  • Ask an objective third-party to be involved in decisions or conflicts.
  • Understand that others are not perfect but flawed and can be at fault.

IS types are encouraging and supportive, and genuinely care about their employees and teammates. Emotionally-aware and respectful, they are likable leaders. However, their indecision and fear of action can make them less effective than more decisive types, as they tend to avoid situations with possibilities for failure or conflict.

Potential Leadership Strengths

  • Team-oriented, focus on cooperation.
  • Aware of the emotions of others.
  • Encouraging and positive even in times of stress.
  • Can excellently handle many tasks at once.
  • Respectful and kind towards team members.

Potential Leadership Weaknesses

  • Avoid giving any sort of negative feedback.
  • Find being decisive and forceful challenging.
  • Struggle to perceive potential issues.
  • Dislike allowing members to work on their own.
  • Poor understanding of managing a timeline.
  • Struggle to be objective, too involved.

IS types enjoy collaboration and brainstorming, and genuinely want to connect with the team members. As such, managers would be wise to put them in environments where they can collaborate and bounce ideas around freely. When managing an iS type, avoid isolating them from the rest of the team, and be sure to encourage the sharing of ideas and opinions in group settings.

Strategies for influencing ISs

  • Try to balance any critique with an acknowledgment of success.
  • Allow them to work collaboratively with social individuals.
  • Involve them in the decision making process.
  • Encourage them regularly.

Creating the Ideal environment for ISs

  • Make opportunities for socializing in the workplace.
  • Try not to make the workplace too regimented.
  • Focus on collaboration and brainstorming.
  • Encourage new ideas.

Things to avoid when managing ISs

  • Assigning them to long periods of independent work.
  • Involving them in conflict.
  • Placing them in high-stress environments.
  • Giving them too much sole responsibility for a task.

ISs Communication Style

  • Love to discuss a variety of things, conversationalists.
  • Will communicate on a frequent basis.
  • Speak based on feeling rather than objective fact.
  • Love to discuss positive ideas.

Strategies for Communicating With ISs

  • Connect with them frequently.
  • Don’t make conversation strictly about work.
  • Include emotional language, not strictly details.
  • Try to focus on the positives.
  • Ask how they are feeling.
  • Discuss things face-to-face.