The Idealist




Quick definition

Idealistic and adventurous in love. Want intertwined lives with their partners. Seek romantic excitement but also need emotional reassurance in relationships.

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TDAFs are characterized by their vibrant blend of idealism, a quest for excitement, and a yearning for close, intertwined relationships. Their romantic lives are an adventure, seeking not just a partner but a co-conspirator in the thrilling journey of love. These individuals dream big, not just in terms of their aspirations and goals but also in their expectations of romance, desiring a relationship that is both deeply emotional and exhilarating. However, their adventurous spirit is often shadowed by anxiety, especially when the reality of a relationship begins to settle into a routine, prompting them to question the durability of their connections.

In the early stages of dating, TDAFs are captivating and easily captivated, drawn to partners who share their zest for life and ability to dream. They are at their most vibrant in dynamic relationships that promise new experiences. Yet, as a relationship progresses, they may struggle with the transition from high excitement to stable intimacy, their underlying anxieties making them wonder if they're settling too soon or missing out on the grand romance they've envisioned.

Opposite type

TDAFs are the opposites of IPCEs.


  • A relationship filled with excitement and shared adventures.
  • Deep, emotional connections that also embrace their need for stimulation.
  • Partners who are willing to dream and explore the unknown together.
  • Assurance that their relationship will never fall into monotony.


  • Stagnation and the dimming of passion in a long-term relationship.
  • Being misunderstood or judged for their need for excitement.
  • Emotional disconnection or the feeling of being trapped.
  • That their anxieties might sabotage a fulfilling relationship.

Inner psychology

TDAFs' inner worlds are complex, often influenced by past experiences that taught them to value excitement and novelty, possibly as a response to a lack of it in their early environment. Their caregivers might have been protective, leading them to yearn for freedom and adventure in their adult lives. Alternatively, if their upbringing was chaotic, they may seek the thrill of chaos in a more controlled, romantic context, viewing it as a familiar and therefore comforting pattern. Their anxiety about relationships likely stems from a deep-seated fear of loss or abandonment, driving them to seek out partners who can provide both the thrill of novelty and the security of emotional connection.

About this trait

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Archetype Breakdown







(E)motion & stability

(F)un & stimulation


  • Adventurous: Brings vitality and excitement to relationships, encouraging growth and exploration.
  • Passionate: Their enthusiasm and passion can deepen emotional connections.
  • Adaptable: Open to new experiences, making them flexible and resilient partners.


  • Managing Anxiety: TDAFs' quest for excitement can be a double-edged sword, exacerbating anxiety when faced with the routine aspects of long-term relationships.
  • Balancing Needs: Struggling to balance their need for adventure with their desire for deep, stable connections.
  • Fear of Missing Out: Their love for excitement can sometimes make them question their contentment in a steady relationship.

Traits in an ideal partner

  • Spontaneity: Someone who enjoys surprise and adventure as much as they do.
  • Emotional Depth: Ability to engage in deep, meaningful conversations, providing the emotional connection TDAFs crave.
  • Stability: Offers a sense of security and reassurance amidst the excitement.

Advice for healthy relationships

TDAFs can benefit from recognizing the importance of integrating adventure with stability, finding ways to inject excitement into everyday life without undermining the depth of their connections. Communicating desires and fears openly with their partner can prevent misunderstandings and foster mutual growth. Establishing rituals that balance excitement with intimacy can help satisfy both their need for novelty and their longing for emotional depth. Embracing therapy or mindfulness practices may also help manage anxiety, allowing them to enjoy the present moment without constantly seeking the next thrill.

At their worst

When consumed by their fears and the desire for perpetual excitement, TDAFs can become restless, dissatisfied, and prone to making impulsive decisions that jeopardize their relationships. Their anxiety might manifest as a relentless pursuit of new experiences, neglecting the emotional nourishment that comes from stability and depth, potentially leading to a cycle of brief, intense relationships that leave them feeling unfulfilled.

At their best

At their best, TDAFs are dynamic, passionate partners who enrich their relationships with a unique blend of adventure and emotional intimacy. By finding harmony between their love for excitement and their desire for deep connections, they can cultivate fulfilling, long-lasting relationships that never feel stagnant. Their capacity to dream big and embrace the unknown with their partner can lead to a shared life full of adventure, growth, and mutual support, embodying the ideal balance of stability and stimulation.