Cooperative in Conflict

Conflict Styles

Cooperative in Conflict

Quick definition

Prioritizes understanding the needs of others in conflict. Engages in difficult conversations with compassion and logic.

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High scorers see conflict as an “us” game instead of a “vs.” game. They tend to be collaborative, empathetic, and willing to compromise. They focus on understanding the needs of others in conflict and prioritize listening rather than simply getting things off their chest. They care about examining root causes. They are able to regulate their emotions and use logic to find compromise.

Low scorers are more interested in sharing their perspective than cooperating towards a solution. They may struggle to regulate their emotions and may, at times, become too overwhelmed to continue in conflict.

Related Traits

Cooperative in Conflict and Assertive in Conflict are the two major Conflict Style traits. They are distinct traits and not opposites.

Neither assertiveness nor cooperativeness is inherently good or bad - they simply represent different approaches to conflict resolution. The ideal approach to conflict resolution often involves a balance of both assertiveness and cooperativeness and being adaptable in the use of both depending on the context.

About this trait

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Other Traits in Conflict Styles