

Quick definition

Social and practical. Likes to work with people and objects. Helping others by doing and leading by example.

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Coaches are hands-on, practical individuals with a deep passion for connecting with and uplifting others. They combine their pragmatic approach with an inherent desire to help people grow and achieve their best. Coaches thrive on direct interactions, teaching through real-world examples, and offering support based on tangible experiences. Their realistic nature ensures that they provide guidance rooted in the actualities of life, while their social tendencies make them attuned to the emotional and interpersonal dynamics of those they guide.

Preferred Tasks

  • Mentoring and guiding individuals or teams.
  • Developing and implementing training programs.
  • Observing performance and providing feedback.
  • Creating hands-on learning experiences.
  • Building strong interpersonal relationships with those they're guiding.

Potential Careers

Athletic Coach

  • Personal Trainer
  • Career Counselor
  • Life Coach
  • Workshop Facilitator
  • Rehabilitation Therapist
  • Skills Trainer (e.g., public speaking, leadership)
  • Outdoor Activities Instructor (e.g., rock climbing, kayaking)
  • Youth Mentor or Counselor
  • Team Building Facilitator
  • Physical Therapist
  • Vocational School Instructor
  • Corporate Trainer
  • Mediator or Conflict Resolution Specialist
  • Community Outreach Coordinator

Potential Blindspots


Given their social nature, Coaches can sometimes become too emotionally invested in the challenges and struggles of those they guide, which might cloud their judgment or lead to burnout.

Avoidance of abstract concepts

Their realistic approach might sometimes cause them to avoid or downplay more theoretical or abstract ideas, which could limit the breadth of their guidance.

Possibility of favoritism

Because of their strong interpersonal connections, there's a risk of unintentionally favoring certain individuals over others based on personal rapport.

Over-reliance on experience

While practical experience is invaluable, Coaches should also stay open to new methodologies, theories, or technologies that can enhance their coaching techniques, even if they're not personally familiar with them.