



Quick definition

Empathetic and curious. Likes working with people and ideas. Enjoys problem-solving and helping others.

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Counselors are deeply empathetic and insightful individuals, driven by a desire to understand the human experience and help others navigate its complexities. They combine their natural ability to connect with others with an inquisitive nature, often delving deep into the intricacies of human behavior, motivation, and emotions. Counselors are naturally approachable, creating an environment where others feel safe to share and explore their feelings, challenges, and dreams. They are adept at both listening and offering insights, always aiming to guide others towards clarity and well-being.

Prefered Tasks

  • Engaging in one-on-one or group discussions to explore personal challenges or aspirations.
  • Conducting research on human behavior, mental health, or societal trends.
  • Designing and implementing intervention strategies or therapeutic methods.
  • Analyzing data or case studies to understand patterns in behavior or emotional responses.
  • Participating in continuous education to stay updated on the latest psychological theories and practices.
About this trait

Distribution of user scores







Archetype Components




Archetype Breakdown

Potential Careers

  • Clinical Psychologist
  • School Counselor
  • Marriage and Family Therapist
  • Social Worker with a focus on therapy
  • Career Counselor
  • Rehabilitation Counselor
  • Substance Abuse Counselor
  • Mental Health Researcher
  • Behavioral Analyst
  • Human Resources Specialist focusing on employee well-being
  • Mediator or Conflict Resolution Specialist
  • Psychiatric Nurse
  • Life Coach
  • Grief Counselor
  • Child Welfare Case Manager

Potential Blindspots


While empathy is a strength, Counselors can sometimes become too emotionally invested in the challenges of those they help. This can lead to burnout or difficulty maintaining professional boundaries.

Avoiding confrontation

Given their nurturing nature, they might avoid necessary confrontations or tough decisions to prevent causing distress or conflict, which can sometimes be detrimental in leadership roles.

Analysis Paralysis

Their investigative side might lead them to over-analyze situations, especially when trying to understand human behavior, which could delay decision-making.

Potential for Bias

Their deep connections with individuals might inadvertently lead to favoritism or decisions based on personal feelings rather than objective facts.