Internal Locus of Control

Secondary Traits


Internal Locus of Control

Quick definition

Believing that life’s outcomes are controlled by the individual (vs. external influences).

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High Scorers

High scorers believe they have control over their life and the events that happen to them. They tend to attribute their successes and failures to their own abilities and actions, rather than external factors such as luck or fate. They feel empowered to make choices and take actions that can affect their outcomes.

Individuals with a high internal locus of control tend to be more self-motivated, confident, and proactive in pursuing their goals. They tend to take responsibility for their own actions and tend to be less influenced by the opinions of others. They are also likely to be better at coping with stress and adversity since they view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than as obstacles they have no control over.

Overall, a high internal locus of control is associated with a sense of personal control and empowerment, which can lead to greater satisfaction and success in life.

Low Scorers

Low scorers have an “External” locus of control. They tend to believe that external factors, such as fate, chance, or powerful others, predominantly influence their lives. They may feel that their efforts have less impact on outcomes, which can sometimes lead to feelings of helplessness or a lack of motivation to effect change.

About this trait

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