
Secondary Traits


Quick definition

Embraces new experiences, adapts quickly to change, and acts in the moment.

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High scorers are willing to make quick decisions in the moment. They say “yes” to things. They are comfortable with uncertainty and changing plans.

They are adaptable to changing circumstances. They thrive on the excitement of new and unexpected experiences and are comfortable with making decisions on the spot. They are not bound by routine or tradition and prefer to keep their options open.

Related Traits

While spontaneity and Impulsiveness share some similarities, they differ in their underlying motivations and outcomes. Spontaneity is a positive trait associated with a willingness to embrace new experiences, adapt quickly to change, and act on impulse in a thoughtful and deliberate way. Those who score high on spontaneity tend to enjoy exploring new opportunities and taking risks, but are not driven solely by immediate gratification or a lack of self-control.

In contrast, Impulsiveness has more negative associations of lack of self-control and an inability to resist immediate gratification. Individuals who score high on impulsiveness/immoderation tend to act on impulse without considering the consequences.

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