


Quick definition

Able to motivate groups towards a common goal. Others look to them for direction.

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High scorers are able to organize groups towards a common goal. They can navigate interpersonal relationships between themselves and group members and inspire others to follow them.

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In love, leaders like to take a relationship by the reigns. Rarely shying away from communication, they are effectively able to exchange perspectives with their partners and take accountability for their actions. Leaders find ways to align their goals with their partners and grow from their experiences.

Often acting as a pillar of support for loved ones, they are supportive and inspire their partners to be the best versions of themselves. When combined with compassion, these individuals have a unique gift of being able to make those around them feel good about themselves and safe to express themselves.


In workplaces, leaders act as motivators for their coworkers and employees. These individuals are assertive, while still maintaining good relationships and inspiring those around them.


Although being a leader gives people the power manage a group, it is important to note that taking on a dictator-like role is not leadership. A true leader pushes their teammates to overcome their barriers and be better versions of themselves, rather than boss them around.

It is important to consistently reflect on one's own leadership style and ensure that they are inspiring and motivating their team members rather than silencing them.


Leaders are born out of circumstance.

To begin developing leadership, individuals can gradually start assuming more responsibility for tasks in order to get comfortable with being in a position where others are dependent on them. Whether it involves asking for a bigger role in a team project or speaking up more and voicing opinions during group discussions, intentionally making the decision to step up can be a great way to start.

Additionally, a leader is one that is able to look at the bigger picture and strategize in order to accomplish a goal. Taking the time to develop strategies for a course of action can indicate to others that a person is confident and can successfully manage a task. Most importantly, leaders are people that others want to follow because they have the ability to help others be confident in themselves. Finding ways to empower others and lead by example can inspire others to follow and do the same.