The Supporter




Quick definition

Humanists who wish the best for the world. Persuasive and captivating teachers who enjoy being social and thrive in group settings. Sensitive and empathetic friends and advocates.

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ENFJs, sometimes known as the Supporters, are driven by a desire to improve the world. Ambitious in their goals, they care deeply about improving not only their own situation, but that of those around them. Supporters are highly organized and good planners, making them rather successful in accomplishing their goals. Charismatic and likable, they can usually can be found at the center of a large social or professional circle. They tend to be persuasive in nature, often making them the "glue" of their networks.

Above all, ENFJs possess a remarkable ability to find common ground with nearly everyone. They tend to use this power for good, advocating for those around them and speaking up on behalf of anyone struggling according to their strong, empathetic values. Sensitive and empathetic, they can easily understand the problems of others and possess a genuine care for everyone in their orbit. Supporters deeply believe in the power of self-improvement and growth, and strive to have both themselves and others constantly better themselves.

About this trait

Distribution of user scores






Archetype Breakdown









Supporter types are affectionate and dedicated partners, who tend to favor long-term, committed relationships. They strive to constantly provide support for their partners, and want to help them succeed and improve. Supporters can be intense in their relationships, as they look for incredibly strong connections.

Supporters are highly communicative and honest, and do not hesitate to share how they are feeling. Often, they spend energy encouraging their partners to do the same. They also look toward the future at all stages in their relationship, and look to milestones as indicators of success in romance.

ENFJs may struggle to give their romantic partners space in relationships, and their high expectations may feel overwhelming to their partners. Supporters also may hold some over-idealized perceptions of romance, and can feel disappointed when reality fails to match their beliefs. ENFJs also struggle with perceived rejection or relationships that don’t go according to plan, and often need time to recover once a relationship ends or changes courses.

Supporters generally find success in the workplace, particularly when working in cooperative settings. They are excellent communicators who can easily convey ideas to those around them. Supporters are reliable workers who achieve high results; however, this type needs to believe in the work they are doing and struggle with simpler, rote tasks. Due to their focus on the future, the ENFJ can sometimes overlook important details in the workplace. Supporters in the workplace may need to learn to advocate for themselves; their desire to please can result in them being overworked by those above them. ENFJs can often be found in teaching, politics, or athletics, amongst other people-facing professions.

Supporters may find themselves focusing too much on improving those around them and failing to look inward and take care of themselves. Often people-pleasers, the Supporter finds it difficult to accept criticism or to spend time with those who don’t agree with their ideals. They may put a lot of energy into helping to fix a challenge or provide aid to someone who doesn't want their help. While their hearts are in the right place, ENFJs also struggle to recognize personal boundaries set by those around them and can face consequences by accidentally crossing them.

Unhealthy Adaptations

  • Spending too much time on others and neglecting taking care of themselves
  • Isolating themselves after receiving criticism or feedback
  • Looking for praise and feeling immense disappointment when not receiving it
  • Setting unrealistic expectations and failing to meet them; falling into a cycle of self-criticism accordingly

The character traits of ENFJs make them natural leaders who aspire to earn positions of leadership. They are excellent at supporting those around them and helping them improve. ENFJs are great at conflict mediation, and excel in creating group cohesion. Their natural prowess at organization also makes them great team managers who can delegate work efficiently. However, ENFJs are often uncompromising with their ideas, and insist that their way is the right way. At times, Supporters in managerial positions may struggle to accept feedback and respond negatively to criticism. This typically comes from a place of care, as ENFJs put immense energy into creating healthy structures and workflows, and want to see them succeed.

Supporters are at their happiest when they are surrounded by a large group of people who they feel a deep connection. They find joy when in reciprocal relationships where all parties are equally dedicated. In particular, they love being in groups of people working toward a common good or goal, where they can put their charisma and skills of persuasion to positive use. ENFJs want to be helpful to those around them, and find happiness when they are able to be providers.

Healthy Adaptations

  • Finding and building long-term, genuine relationships in romance, the workplace, or in social circles
  • Organizing events for those around them, and being of service at those events
  • Seeing improvement in both themselves and those around them
  • Giving advice and seeing it implemented with a positive result

Charismatic and sociable, the Supporter will always be the first to help someone in need. They're great at quickly implementing plans to do so, and ensuring that said plans are followed. Value-driven with a genuine care for those around them, ENFJs do not hesitate to call out perceived injustices, and will put themselves in positions to challenge the status quo if they feel it is harmful to others. They strive to constantly improve themselves and the world, and will do whatever necessary to make that happen.

  • Coming prepared with a plan for the future, and implementing that plan realistically and dedicatedly
  • Magnetic and charismatic, often drawing large groups of people to them.
  • Tuning into the emotions of those close to them and ensuring the success of their friends
  • Genuinely caring for the world and therefore having others reciprocating support and care
  • Leading teams of groups with equal parts passion and compassion