The Advocate




Quick definition

Idealists with conviction. Sensitive and complex. Do-gooders who uplift others. Reserved but immensely caring.

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One of the rarest personality types, INFJs — or The Advocates — are imaginative idealists with insightful minds and principled hearts. Though introverted and sensitive, INFJs are also vocal advocates, and attach themselves to worthy causes and pursuits. INFJs think critically about how their actions affect others, and conduct themselves with conviction and care. They spend a great deal of time considering other people's feelings, and are guided by a compassion for humankind and a desire to make a positive impact. Though intuitive and sensitive, they can also be private and guarded with their own emotions.

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Archetype Breakdown









A believer in true love, the Advocate has no time for superficial relationships — they want the real deal. INFJs crave meaning, depth, and connection, and will rarely settle for a partner who doesn't share their core values and principles. Though sometimes their romantic idealism can be unrealistic, this desire leads the Advocate to find authentic relationships based on romance, care, and passion. This type doesn't shy away from intimacy: above all, they want a soulmate with whom they can share not only a physical but also a spiritual connection. Those with an INFJ partner will benefit from their warmth and care, and should be prepared to meet them with equal honesty and depth.

Advocates care more about values than income, and tend to seek roles where they feel a sense of personal alignment and purpose. Above all, they want to do altruistic work where they can help others and connect on a deep level. As such, they tend to take on roles as therapists, social workers, teachers, or instructors. They may also find success in the arts or holistic health. Their insightful nature lends well to a number of fields; due to their imaginative and empathetic minds, they can often find unique solutions to problems that other, more facts-driven types may overlook or ignore.

The Advocate spends a lot of time and energy understanding other people's internal lives. While they love being the go-to confidante for their family and friends, they can be cautious to open up in turn, out of fear of being misunderstood. Their idealism, though a guiding force, can sometimes cause them to be disappointed if a situation or dynamic doesn't live up to their high expectations.

Unhealthy Adaptations

  • Fearing criticism or being misunderstood; withdrawing or distancing from people who may not understand them
  • Neglecting ordinary tasks that do not have a bigger purpose or meaning
  • Giving so much time and energy to others that they forget to look after their own physical and mental well-being
  • Fixating on small imperfections when it comes to their career, home, or relationships

The Advocate is understanding and approachable, qualities that make for well-liked leaders. Empathetic communicators and highly capable, they are quick to help those around them in the workplace. Their intuitive nature makes them adept at identifying their team's strengths and weaknesses, a skill that helps them empower their employees to flourish. However, Advocates can shy away from delegating or dictating tasks, preferring to motivate employees through gentle encouragement and trust.

While they typically lead from this place of compassion, INFJs have low tolerance for behavior that contradicts their strong set of moral principles. If a colleague behaves unethically, the Advocate type can grow frustrated, as they put immense effort into leading from a place of integrity and care.

INFJs enjoy intellectual and creative pursuits where they can find authentic connection. Idealists with vivid imaginations, they are happiest when engaged in meaningful work and relationships that align with their values. They seek authentic friendships and partnerships, and genuinely want to understand those around them on an intimate, personal level.

Healthy Adaptations

  • Channeling their idealism toward positive action for a goal or cause
  • Putting their creativity to use in problem-solving, teaching, and helping others
  • Building connections with mutual intimacy and sharing
  • Trusting others with their own complex emotions

Advocates think deeply and feel even deeper. Because of this, they have a superior ability to understand people, and are able to offer empathy and kindness in almost any situation. INFJs are principled to the core, and dedicate themselves passionately to the causes that matter most to them.

  • Understanding others' motivations, needs, and internal worlds
  • Consistently passionate and driven when it comes to their ideals
  • Self-aware and thoughtful; mindful of how their actions impact others
  • Deep thinkers and creative communicators who enjoy helping loved ones